Three Alternative Treatments For IBS


Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects up to 15% of the US population. This painful, frustrating disease can be difficult to control, even with changes in diet and proper medication. For those struggling, alternative forms of treatment may be worth considering. Acupuncture The ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture has many modern day applications. It is a stress reliever, a pain reliever, and, possibly, a way to get relief from the symptoms of IBS.

8 May 2015

Take The Fight To Your Back Pain With These Home Remedies


Contending with back pain is no joke, but if it's a few days until you're able to visit your chiropractor -- and you are looking for immediate relief -- there are a handful of techniques you can use to reduce your pain. These home remedies aren't an alternative to seeking professional help, but can make a positive impact until you're able to get to the clinic. Posture Makeover Changing the way you sit, especially if you spend the bulk of your workday at a desk, can be a helpful weapon in your battle against back pain.

6 May 2015

What To Expect When Having A Neck Adjustment


If you suffer from chronic neck pain and you do not have an injury causing it, going to a chiropractor is beneficial in receiving help to ease some of the discomforts you are experiencing. A cervical manipulation procedure is known to help increase the range of motion you have with your neck, as well as help with headaches and aching in the top of the spine and neck areas. Here is a summary of what you can expect if you go to a chiropractor to have a neck adjustment.

5 May 2015

3 Interesting Ways To Manage Your Depression


If you experience chronic depression, you don't have to rely on medications alone to treat your depression. Here are three interesting ways that you can help manage your depression: 1. Schedule An Appointment With Your Chiropractor Depression is clinically linked to an imbalance of chemicals in your brain. This imbalance of chemicals is what causes your depression. However, this imbalance can have far reaching consequences throughout your body. Seeing a chiropractor for adjustments on a regular basis can help stimulate your nervous system.

5 May 2015

3 Reasons That Parents Take Their Children To A Chiropractor


There are many people who choose to see a chiropractor regularly. This is for a good reason. Chiropractics is a very natural practice that doesn't use medication to heal the body; instead, they use something called a chiropractic adjustment. This is why so many people are drawn to it, especially parents of children. The parent might not want to give the child medication because the child can't handle it, the child is overmedicated, or the parent is simply looking for alternatives.

30 April 2015

Recovering From Whiplash Without Pain Reliving Drugs


Even minor, low-speed car accidents can result in whiplash, a condition in which the neck becomes strained because the head has jerked forward forcefully. In most cases, your doctor will recommend treating mild to moderate whiplash by taking over-the-counter pain relievers and resting until it feels better. But what happens if you can't take pain relievers for health-related reasons, or simply because you're averse to putting chemical drugs into your body?

29 April 2015

The Benefits Of Shoulder And Back Massages During Labor


Labor is a painful time for women. However massage therapy is one way in which women can ease the pain that comes with labor. This is because massage stimulates the body into producing endorphins. When endorphins are released they will cause you to feel happy and relaxed and this will help to make labor more bearable. If you think massage therapy might be useful to you when you go into labor, then here are a few tips that will help you.

28 April 2015

2-Step Home Remedy For Treating Flare-Ups Of Your Chronic Lower Back Pain


When you suffer from chronic lower back pain, you may still have flare-ups even when you are undergoing medical treatment. If you are looking for a way to calm the pain and discomfort at home, use the following two-step remedy using ingredients you can find in grocery stores and pharmacies. Step 1:  Soak In A Warm Herbal Tea And Oil Bath The first step in this remedy uses the calming effects of chamomile tea and the pain-relieving attributes of peppermint oil to loosen your tight muscles.

25 April 2015

Spinal Stenosis 101 And Options For Relief


While many people experience a little pain and discomfort in their bodies as they age, certain conditions can become unbearably painful. Neck, back, knee, and leg pain not only cause discomfort, but can also lead to a sedentary lifestyle since daily activities are too painful to bear. If you are dealing with pain in the back or neck that is radiating down through your legs, you may have spinal stenosis. Considering lumbar spinal stenosis affects an estimated 8 to 11 percent of the population, understanding this painful condition is smart.

24 April 2015

4 Ways To Deal With Low Back Pain


Living with low back pain can be debilitating, especially if it is a chronic condition. Approximately 31 million Americans report experiencing low back pain, which can limit them from completing assigned duties at work or enjoying the activities that are a part of their lives. Depending on the cause of your low back pain, there are several things you can do to alleviate the discomfort. Try the following things if you suffer from low back pain:

23 April 2015